Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Why did I do That?: Tony Abbott Carbon Tax Plebiscite

Tony Does it Again!

Federal Opposition leader Tony Abbott can't take a trick!

He thought he was on a winner with his proposed plebiscite on "Carbon Tax". But he needed the support of both cross bench senators, Nick Xenophon and Steve Fielding. But Senator Fielding has come out and put a kibosh on this lame and "shoot from the hip"idea.

Calling the plebiscite, which would have cost $80 million, a "glorified opinion poll", Senator Fielding said:

"What we've got here is a political stunt which will waste taxpayers' money and achieve nothing."

And rightly so. The country can give it's verdict at the next Federal Election.

With all the woes the Australian Labor Party (ALP) and government are going through at the moment all poor old Tony had to do was sit back and smile. But alas, that's  our Tony.

Fielding kills Abbott's carbon plebiscite - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

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