Retiring Family First Senator Steve Fielding has appealed to all sides of politics to support offshore processing of Asylum seekers who attempt to enter Australia by boat.
The Senator stated
"As long as we keep accepting these refugees who do make it, we will be a partner in this deadly game of Russian roulette,"
"We must stop the boats for humane reasons, regardless of politics from both sides."
The Senator was referring to the possible future loss of life of boat people attempting to get to Australia at the hands of people smugglers in non-seaworthy boats.
Senator Fielding went on further to say:
"Where asylum seekers arriving by boat would be transferred to the back of the queue in overseas refugee camps,"
"But to release pressure on these camps Australia would agree to take two or more refugees that had been waiting patiently for years to be resettled."
The senator stated further that he had floated this idea with both the Labor Party and the federal Coalition.
I believe the Senator has a very valid and workable idea.
Australian's fully sympathise with the plight of true Refugees. We signed the U.N. 1951 Convention on Refugees and have lived up to it's ideals. We truly want to help bona fide refugees but there is a process that we, as a nation, feel they must follow.
And not only must they adhere to our requirements but in dissuading "Boat people" by whatever means, we are, as Senator Harding infers, acting humanely by hopefully stopping unnecessary deaths at the hands of people smugglers and the unforgiving seas.
Bona fide refugees escaping death, torture and persecution will always be taken care of by Australia and Australians.
Accepting boat refugees a deadly game: Fielding - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
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