Sunday, June 12, 2011

Middle class turn to welfare vouchers |

"I wept because I had no shoes until I saw a man who had no feet"

When, as a country, we have never had it so good we whinge. "Middle class" turning to to welfare vouchers! What a laugh. A laugh on two counts:

  1. That the Telegraph had the gall to pen such a sensationalising and childish headline , and;
  2. That some people out there actually may think that they are doing it tough.
I say "some people"  because there are many who are doing it tough but, let's get real, they don't come from the "middle class".

I remember as achild in the early '60's on many occasions sitting at home with candles burning because there was no electricity. Dad said there was a blackout on that's why the candles, but, methinks, in hindsight, that the parents just couldn't afford the power bill at the time.

We didn't have one car, let alone two, so we couldn't whinge about fuel prices and registration and insurance costs. 

We didn't have "u beaut" electronic gadgetry chewing up electricity 24 hours a day.

No mobile bills, no Internet connection costs.  

No "McMansion".

We were "working class". My dad worked as a train driver, mum stayed at home. We took the train and bus everywhere. Our house was a little fibro joint but it was home. Luxuries for my parents were a beer for Dad and for mum a smoke, a few Bex Powders and TV (  for those not old enough to remember Bex were in the 60's  "mum's little helpers"!) 

And you know what? We never needed welfare vouchers, unless you count the tab mum would run up at the corner shop.

So what has become of us eh? What? we want everything on a platter? Live beyond our means then complain about it and take "welfare vouchers" from people who really are doing it tough. What a joke!

And I hope it is a joke. That the Tele was having a bad news morning or some rookie cadet was trying to impress the editor with his/her panache at headline writing.

Click on picture above and donate to those really doing it tough!

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